1433: Frizzo of Brandenburg
The Corte Frizza, seat of our agricultural consortium, owes its name to Fritz of Brandenburg, an important Prussian who arrived in Italy before the middle of the fifteenth century, perhaps in the wake of Barbara di Hohenzollern, wife of Lodovico II Gonzaga. In a climate particularly favourable to the German people, the Gonzagas granted friendship and favours to Frizzo, the Italianised version of the Prussian’s name: a document of 1433 granted him enjoyment of the Corte’s lands limited to him and to his male heirs.
1951: the Frizza Farm Company was established
Once the lineage of the German nobleman waned, the Frizza, as it was now known to everyone, passed from hand to hand for four centuries, until it became a Farm Company in April 1951, on the wishes of 12 founding partners. In the following decades, the dairy expanded and acquired new production facilities. In 1982, the cooperative bought the Corte from the Angelis, who were some of the partners, and rebuilt the dairy and pigsties in the two following years. The pigsties were then sold in 1993 allowing the company to concentrate only on milk processing.
Today: 30 thousand wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano per year
Over the past 25 years, we have experienced relentless growth and, in 2018, we collected 165,000 quintals of milk from 20 partners that we transformed into Parmigiano Reggiano. Today, the 18th century residence of Corte Frizza, renovated after the 2012 earthquake, houses the offices and the assembly hall of the farm cooperative.